My Role: UX Designer
Project Duration: 3 months
Category: Transportation
There are many challenges that a truck driver faces on Road - Long trips causing lack of sleep and health issues, which can convert into an accident, extreme change in weather conditions, change in delivery schedule, truck breakdown, fuel issues, change in plan of delivery for the current trip etc.
There is a need of a solution which can manage above activities helping truck drivers to do their job in an efficient way.
Interviewing the User
I had a conversation with few of the Truck Drivers, I categorized them into two categories : Experienced Drivers and Freshers
Experienced Driver
Experienced drivers, who are driving for more than 3 - 5 years are able to manage the hectic schedule and long driving hours. They are well aware of when to take fuel breaks and when to have meals. Although they face issues on new routes. Change in delivery location is always a problem, this causes lot of confusion and extra miles.
They know how to repair trucks in case of simple breakdown but still face issues like robbery at remote locations. Overloading of truck becomes an issue at times; while loading, material weight is calculated but still truck break down have occurred mid way due to overload issues.
Fresher Driver
Freshers, who are not habitual of long driving hours are more prone to accidents, they need frequent breaks to freshen themselves, else they might fall asleep while driving. They are also not well aware of the routes - While leaving for the journey they understand the way from office but still often get lost and are delayed to reach the destination.
Cannot rely on mobile phones as battery dies in the long routes. They face issues with the weather conditions when cities/ state changes. Also not well aware of where and when can they find good resturants to have meals on their way. Not much aware of fuel refilling centers - fuel calculations fail at times.
Not able to handle issues like truck breakdown and mugging.
Now after understanding the user’s pain- points, goals, frustrations, needs and demands, its time to find a solution. I tried creating a road journey of the driver to understand him and his problems in a better way.
Also tried to create a chart (pen and paper approach) to find out solution in a systematic way.
Creating an Instrumental Cluster for Trucks
This cluster can work as a savage for Truck Drivers.
Recommended to put this somewhere near the steering so that driver doesn’t have to shift his glance from road to see what’s on the screen. Cluster will have a Voice Assistance Feature which can work as a miracle for drivers, specially in case of change in delivery plan.
While installing the device, one time information needs to be fed about the vehicle, so that it is able to calculate various factors regarding weight, for example, It should show a warning when truck is overloaded, when it needs servicing etc.
Also emergency contact numbers to be inserted, in case of emergency, device can directly send signals to the contact.
User shall be able to select the language for ‘Voice’ and ‘Screen Display’.
It is always recommended to keep few features like Location, SOS, Voice Assistance always ON for long routes.
Device shall be able to help drivers with below features too:
Warn when speed is too high and crossing the cut off limit on Highways.
Tell driver to wear seat belt if its not already on.
Warn, if truck is overload .
Warn, when there is change in weight before reaching the delivery location.
Warn if fuel is less than what is required to reach destination.
Show all details of the journey, when destination is entered.
Immediately inform if there is change in Delivery Location/ Plan
Shall be able to guide about weather and road conditions.
Should be able to assist in finding the nearest fuel station, restaurant, hotel, parking lots, hospitals as and when needed. - Should send signals to the emergency contacts in case of any mishap.
User shall be able to change the settings any time, according to their need.
User manual can help users with usage of device and also can guide how to repair the vehicle in case of breakdown when no one is around to help. 24*7 support shall be available, user can click the call icon in case of any issues.
Device can be well integrated with mobile phones by downloading the app.
Information Architecture
Initial sketches
User Journey 1 : Driver Forgets to wear seat belt when trip starts
App tells driver to wear seatbelt - ‘Voice’ & ‘App Screen’
User Journey 2 : Driver gets a notification - change in delivery plan
Selects 'Update location on Map'
Destination updated - success message with new location and time.
Updated screen